25 July 2024
• Katt McCreary
• Dan Moore
• Heinrich Claus
• Hunter Flannagan
• Leighton
⇒ LEO Impersonation:
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should any Gruppe Sechs members claim that they are ANY type of LEO. Not only does this give the company a bad look, it can cause government issues. These things could lead to the company shutting down as a whole. We are not any Law Enforcement, so DO NOT ever say we are cops. If we, the High Command Staff, hear anything about you doing this, you will be dealt with disciplinary action. We are also not in the right to tell people about property laws, leave that to the store owner to deal with.
⇒ Use of Force:
UOF Violations WILL NOT be tolerated. If you are found violating these rules, you will be given an instant 10 day suspension, and be subject to retraining. UOF is one of the biggest things that we MUST follow, no if ands or buts. We are sick and tired of getting reports and threats of Lawsuits. If needed, please review the UOF Guidelines in the rules channel.
⇒ Requesting Supervisors:
If you are in a situation where a person requests a supervisor, you MUST get a supervisor. They are trained to deal with tough situations. If LEO is involved, request your supervisor and state that you will not answer until your supervisor is present.
⇒ DA System:
We are introducing a new DA system into the company. A 3 strike system is implemented into the company as of now.
- Strike 1: Promotion block for a month
- Strike 2: 10 day suspension and retraining
- Strike 3: Removal from company
⇒ Promotion Guidelines:
In order to get promotions, there are specific guidelines to follow. In order to get promoted from a non-command position to another non-command position, you need to be in your current position for at least 2 weeks. This applies to all non-command promotions. For command positions, it is a 30 day wait period. The promotions system is also introducing a new way of ranking. Ranks will now be divided into 3 sections, so a clear understanding of what ranks can promote what will be displayed clearly.
⇒ Security Perms:
Security Perms are a MUST to go on duty for G6. Before you even put on your uniform or spawn a car, you WILL request security KINDLY in the PGN:U discord. This is not a choice. If you do not choose to follow this rule, you will be subject to disciplinary action. This is yet another thing that could get the company in government/staff trouble! Not only is this an in-state rule, it is a company rule as well.
⇒ FAAFO (F Around And Find Out):
While yes, we want to have a fun time on duty, we also want a serious workplace. While on duty, we encourage you to have fun. However, this does not include tackling, insulting, or forcefully carrying other civs or employees. If you are messing around and overdoing it, you will face some type of DA, it might not be a strike though.
⇒ Cayo Perico Rules:
Under no circumstance should you ever go to Cayo Perico as a security guard. You are to only go as a civ. We have no business offering our services to a FOREIGN COUNTRY. Cayo is its own country, with its own rules, and government. They do not need our help securing the island. Please refer to this to know how to act on the island: Cayo Perico R.P. Guidelines
⇒ Roles Revamp:
During the next few days, things will be changed around regarding roles. If your roles are moved around a lot, do not worry. We are only sorting things out for the new roles and re-organized sub-divisions.
⇒ Patrol Logs
Pretty soon there will be a new log introduced. You will fill out a patrol log at the end of every shift. It only includes your name and callsign, time, and rank. This will also link and show your time in our new roster as we prepare that as well.
• Katt McCreary
• Dan Moore
• Heinrich Claus
• Hunter Flannagan
• Leighton
Today, there was a huge incident involved with the mass training done today. For context, there was a LSPD training that was happening as we did our training. Their training was at postal 99, the east side of LSIA. We were all the way across the property at the fire station. A situation unfolded where a G6 employee interacted with the LSPD training. This is to NEVER happen, as their training takes place OOC. Our trainings takes place in character. As a result, we have been asked by staff to not use LSIA for our training. This behavior should not have happened at all. I am not only upset, but disappointed in all involved in the training. Mainly, the FTO’s and FTA’s. The issue stemmed from their misbehavior. We have been threatened with Server Lead interference. We are to be on our utmost behavior from this point on. Our training will now be held at other airfields for the time being. The behavior presented today is not what I created this company for. We are a SECURITY company. In no way will we interact with LEO during their training. This already pissed me off in and out of character. So please, for the sake of the company (any my sanity), behave.